little things - Chapter Two : WHAT I WANT TO BECOME IN THE NEXT FIVE YEARS OF MY LIFE? #afiveyearplan

It was a day as usual as my daily school routine could be possibly before the pandemic ....This was the eve time around 4:30 pm . I like to sit back and relax or hangout a little bit for half an hour  with my cup of  tea  before the next session on Zoom starts . The idea of a five year plan of where you see yourself  in the upcoming five years striked to my mind . Nowadays, most of the educational websites claims on to have a five  year planned journey because that brings out more possibility, say of about 33%, closer to your dream destiny. 

They say , " The more you customise out the road map of YOUR WAY TO SUCCESS, the better fruit you get this season of life." 

I started introspecting on this notion and self - scrutinied a number of times on what exactly I want to do in this lifetime and how would I make my way through it!

Mind is so fickle, right! Everything around seems so transient each time I look out except the eternal beauty. I remember in my early girlhood days , I delibrately wanted to become an actress. You know how most little girls wanna be...Then, things changed , in my early adoloscence , like say at 12, I dreamnt on  becoming a female  pilot like the great Gunjan Saxena , that also points towards my own benefits and desirous  fulfilment of getting a tour of world by means of air. Be it a toodler or an adult we all love  daydreaming . This can  literally be an idea of  naive child. Right? I was peculiarly doing that . I thought that was  freaking the coolest thing to become....but that isn't it as there is no ends on dreams and desires for me atleast. Its true that we become ' what we think '. But its equally true that sometimes our planned road map doesn't lead us to the destined point . This is because as I said our mind is truly fickle . What we want from life changes with a pace of time. This means there is a lot going on our mind. Some people are blessed  with  firm decision making  and life planning skills . As for me its not my bread of piece , I am pathetic at it .  About 50% people  glided by  this five year plan but rest didn't that doesn't mean they were not successful but destiny is not always what we think it should look like sometime its even better or the worst. 

I recently saw  somewhere that the students were cross-questioned  by the interviewers on their five year plan  from the British Harvard university. Some video clips of the students with the  best answers were also shown . I was left spellbound by this question.  With a hot cup of tea in one of my hand, I started self- interrogating myself to this question. I was actually envisaging a picture of me standing right there in front of these fabulous people to answer.  Keeping all the aspects of desire and self - independence in mind , I finally came to a basic conclusion of what my five year plan would exactly look  like and how I would be presenting it :

       "  I  want to be my brother's and sisters' happiness ๐Ÿ˜ ,

         I  want to be my  parents'   love ๐Ÿ˜„,

             Wise like my Grand-dad.  ๐Ÿ˜‰  

        Want to be as brave as my Mom๐Ÿ˜Ž ,

      Want to be a good human as my bestfriend๐Ÿ˜˜ 

 and  want to be  a reason of smile to all around me๐Ÿ˜."

Whatever it sums up to and blend into , I want to become all of it in  the upcoming five years, I think if I ever become successful in adopting all of this values and intelligence  and bringing out in my personality, I will be at my destiny .

Because every time I think of my niche , I know whatever I achieve or become , the personality I develop reflecting all of these characteristics will be persistent all my life. "How are we is more important than what are we or have became in a life-time or even for good..." A life like this seems to be the most purposeful one .

Now atleast  I think I am all up with my answer to be interviewed in real by the Harvard the next time .That was a lot of sobering in leisure๐Ÿ˜„ .Its time for my next Zoom call...[Drank my hot cup of tea by the time and left aside]

Thank you for reading!Keep reading and inspiring! 

Have a good day!๐Ÿ˜Š


Michael said…
Hey it was good. And inspired me too

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